this Girl is back online!

Yay! I'm back online. This week I moved out of the hotel and into my own apartment which of course does not have wi-fi. Hopefully this Saturday they will get around to installing a box. Sure would make my life a lot easier. I didn't realize how much I've come to depend on having internet in my life until I had it no longer :) I've realized, however, it is a good thing to go without comforts such as internet for a bit, as it makes you doubly appreciate this little creature comfort when you get it back! (My heart goes out to my mom who's having to endure dial-up for the next few weeks! :)

Anyway, a lot has happened in the last week. I'm getting terribly excited for this Saturday as it is officially the first day of the winter ski season! The town and bars open and most of the ski lifts do as well. I'm placing myself in ski school and will be relegated to the beginner's bunny slope. Slope! It's hardly more than a bump in an otherwise flat snow field. lol can't wait!
J's taking up snowboarding this year so he'll be joining me for the first few weeks on the green slopes. I'm planning to head back to Chamonix next week to visit friends and then hopefully travel on to Paris to get a new passport from the US Embassy there! Oh did I mention I lost my passport?? Such a novice thing to do! I brought it with me into a bar to use it to fill out some forms online and then ended up leaving the entire folder on the chair! Bloody hell it has been such an inconvenience! Anyway I have to take a trip and get a new one made..

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